sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2019

Inglês plural dos substantivos exercícios.

Plural dos Substantivos


1) Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma mais adequada do plural dos substantivos em inglês que estão entre parênteses.

1.They decided to build the city. (church)
a. Churches
b. Church
c. Churchs

2.The man who tried to rob Jake had three.................when the police arrived.(knife)
a. Knifes
b. Knives
c. Knife

3. They suspected their...............were following them after work.(wife)
a. Wifes
b. Wife
c. Wives

4. Do you think the.............will like this Santa Claus? Are you sure? (child)
a. Childrens
b. Childs
c. Children

5. What do you hope the...............are going to do about it?(manager)
a. Managers
b. Manageres
c. Manager

6. I asked her to wash the...............right away.(dish)
a. Dishs
b. Dishes
c. Dish

7. I don't like the noise................make. (cell phone)
a. Cell phones
b. Cell phone
c. Cells phone

8. Why don't you drop by the supermarket and buy some....................? (apple)
a. Apples
b. Apple
c. Applees

2) Escolham a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco.
1. There are many_____________________at the mall.

a. Person                  b. People                    c. People's
2. He's an only________________________.

a. Children                    b. Child                      c. Childs

3. It will kill the_____________________ in the house.

a. Mouses                      b. Mice                      c.Mousess
4. How many______________________do you know?

a. Thing                         b. Thigs                     c.Things
5. How much________________do you need to finish?

a. Times                         b. Time                     c. Hours

6. The ______________________are waiting for you.

a. Man                            b. Men                      c. Mans

7. ________________________spend more than men.

a. Woman                      b. Women                c. Womans

8. He is a very nice________________________.

a. Peson                          b. People                  c. Person

2) Assinale a alternativa que contém o plural correto dos seguintes substantivos:

monkey - story - shrimp - tomato

a) monkeys - stories - shrimps - tomatos
b) monkies - storys - shrimp - tomatoes
c) monkeys - stories - shrimps - tomatoes
d) monkeys - stories - shrimp - tomatoes
e) monkies - storys - shrimps - tomatos

3) Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns below:

a) The old ___________________ always left the _________________ near the __________________ and their money on the kitchen ____________________, and the ____________________ knew all about it.
lady / key / gate / shelf / thief

b) Their _________________________ picked some big __________________, and cut the __________________ in ________________.
wife / knife / loaf / half

c) The little _____________ riding _________________, and the ____________________ on the toy ________________ brought _______________ of joy to the ____________________ at the _________________.
monkey / donkey / goose / bus / tear / child / circus        

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